Monday, December 10, 2007


So, I'm supposed to be some happy little newlywed. And I haven't been home with my husband for more than a few hours since the wedding! Where have I been? WORK. I've spent more late nights this month than I have in the whole 2 years I've worked here. (tonight included... it's 10:45p and I'm still at my desk).

I don't know what it is about the holiday season. But without fail, I don't spend the time at home, or with friends. I spend it at work. At least, this year, there is a silver lining. This year, I still HAVE a job. Those who know me may have noticed the pattern of finding myself jobless by the end of December. A discouraging trend that I am happy to say I may have broken.

But still, Fiscal Year-end budgets need to be spent, and I'm happy that they are being spent with my company. But when thinking about the other things that happen at year end (i.e. holidays) I would have been happier to be able to have them spent with my husband.

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