Friday, February 18, 2011

34 Weeks and counting

It took 34 weeks and 3 days, but it finally happened. I just got kicked in the ribs.

At this point, he's throwing his weight around in there, causing quite a show if you happen to catch it. He's bottom up now, so I catch all of the kicks up high, which is slightly more comfortable then when there were kicking organs. Although, the pressure of his head does make me have to pee every 37 seconds. (TMI? Sorry.)

As the weeks progress, I'm sure I will grow less and less comfortable all together, but I have to remember... I'm not the one stuffed into another human being. If I'm uncomfortable, I can only imagine how he feels!

Good News - after the 34 week mark, we're officially in the 'safe' zone. I'd still like to him to hold out for a March birthday, but it's a relief that we're in the clear (developmentally speaking). (Knock wood!)

Have a great weekend! Sunday, we have the baby class "Great Expectations", where we learn all about the labor and delivery process at the Northwestern Prentice Women's Hospital. I'm sure that will be an eye opener. Stay tuned for our reactions.

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